Webinar: Top 5 Ways to Secure Your Email and Messaging Environments with Abnormal Security 


Outsmart the most cunning email and messaging threats.
Register to watch our on-demand webinar recording.

Dive into the cutting-edge world of email security

As sophisticated threats such as Business Email Compromise (BEC) and supply chain vulnerabilities escalate, it's crucial for organizations to adopt a forward-thinking approach to their cybersecurity strategies. The Abnormal platform, with its advanced AI-driven capabilities, offers powerful solutions tailored to address these modern challenges. 

In our on-demand webinar, we uncover the top five strategies our customers have leveraged to effectively counteract advanced email and messaging threats with Abnormal Security.

Key highlights include:

  1. Prevent Account Takeovers: Learn how to pre-emptively stop account takeovers by detecting signs of compromise early.
  2. Streamline Security Operations: Discover how automated processes for user-reported emails are transforming security team operations.
  3. Vendor Account Protection: Recognize and stop threats arising from compromised vendor accounts.
  4. Safeguard Your Collaboration Tools: Detect and block malicious content across key collaboration platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
  5. Monitor User Privileges: Keep tabs on high-impact changes to user privileges, ensuring that your collaboration tools remain secure. 

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